Trevino Circ.
One of our top picks for townhouse streets in Barrie! Nestled in a quiet circle lies Trevino St, a beautiful collection of townhomes that are cared for and maintained by their owners. Hidden away from the busy streets, you can come home and truly disconnect here. With all the benefits that the Georgian Mall and Bayfield St. have to offer, this street is truly one that is desirable for new families looking to grow! An amazing small community with the great neighbours and great people residing there..
Average Price: $485,000-530,000
Average Age: 18-20 Years | Built 2002
5 Year Appreciation: 8-12%/yr
10 Year Appreciation: 7%/yr
Major Streets: Livingstone St. E| Hanmer St. E.
Amenities: Georgian Mall, Bayfield Commercial Strip, Stabucks, Walmart, Lowe’s, Tesla Superchargers, Shopping, Barrie Country Club, etc
Utilities: Enbridge Gas, Alectra Power, Barrie Water
Schools: Terry Fox Elementary School | Sister Catherine Donnelly Catholic School | Cundle Heights Public School
Parks: East Bayfield Community Park
Waste Collection Day: Tuesday | Garbage Bi-Weekly | 3rd Week Of Every Month Collection Is Wednesday
Number Of Townhouse Units: 89
Number Of Semi-Detached Units: